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How to order at

Select article

For navigating through our range of products, please use the main menu at the upper side. Our product search at the top will help you to select certain articles. 

In case of any problems concerning the handling of our online shop or any questions concerning our products, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (+49 9621 675450) or e-mail ( We will be at your disposal for any further assistance.

Order process

By entering the desired quantity and clicking the shopping cart icon, the selected product is added to the shopping cart. There the selected products are stored to order them all in one transaction. You can also change the quantity retrospectively or delete articles from the shopping cart. 

Then please click "Check out" to get to the next step and enter your personal information. Please pay attention to fill in all mandatory fields correctly. Without this information your order cannot be processed! Afterwards you have the possibility to control and if necessary correct your order, before transmitting it finally. 

Handling of your order

We will send you a confirmation of receipt by e-mail as soon as we have received your order. After having handled your order you will receive a binding order confirmation. The order confirmation includes a description of the articles, the delivery week as well as delivery and invoice address. Please check our order confirmation carefully and inform us by return if you should find any discrepancies to your order.


We deliver on the basis of an unrestricted conditional sale. All merchandise remains our property until payment is made in full, also valid in case of resale. Your order will be delivered by parcel service or forwarding agent, depending on items/volume of shipment. For organizational reasons your order might be delivered split up in article groups. This does not cause any additional costs for you. We have concluded a transport insurance which is exempt from charges for you. Please check the goods carefully on receipt. In case of any transport damage the insurance will only take over the costs if the damage is confirmed in writing from the transport company in charge of the delivery.


We can only process initial orders from new customers with payment in advance. Thank you for your understanding! Existing customers will receive our invoice after the shipment of the goods. Please note our terms of payment! Please indicate your customer & invoice number when transmitting the payment.


In case that the delivered goods should be incorrect in any way, please contact us immediately, but at the latest 8 days after delivery. We will do our utmost to find a rapid solution.